
Retro Party at the Club

It is YOUR Club. Get the most out of your membership and support these events.

Retro Party – Sat 18th November 2023 from 7pm

RETRO: “imitative of a style or fashion from the past”

A fun nightfor members,their family and friends with games, quizzes, dancing, laughter and a good time.

Dress is casual BUT preferably with a dash of Retro!!!!

Hint:  Motor Cycle Leathers; Rock-and Roll outfit, Bow in the hair, Velvet Jacket, Older style footy Jumper, footy great coat with badges; Bowling Whites, Surfie gear, Tradie with manual tools basically anything from the back of the cupboard that the kids would dread to be seen with you in.

Hint 2: Things I would not like to see you in : Cycling/gym Lycra; budgie smugglers -there may be children present

Add your name to the list at the club